Selected prints from my portfolio and other images are available in a variety of sizes, on lustre paper or canvas, framed or unframed. Please visit my online print shop to view available prints. If you would like a print that is not shown there, please let me know and I will make it available for you. Thank you.

Artist's Statement
Artist's statement is forthcoming. Still working on it.
The photographer uses various film cameras, mainly old Pentax (Spotmatics) and Nikon (F and FT2 and FT3).
He processes all film (35mm and 120, mostly Kodak Tri-X and Ilford HP5) by hand to archival standards. Standard choice of developer is Kodak D-76 diluted 1 to 1. In most cases, the process is pulled (overexposed in the camera by a stop or so and then underdeveloped by about 20 percent). In other cases, especially in more recent work, requiring a denser negative, the process is "stretched," that is, overexposed in the camera by a stop or so and then overdeveloped by about 20 percent.
He scans negatives and also makes prints in his darkroom on Ilford Multgrade Fibre-Based Matte Finish paper. Chemicals in the darkroom are mainly Ilford Multigrade developer and Ilford Rapid Fix. He uses a Beseler 123C enlarger.
Was born around the time the FCC suggested moving VHF television stations already on the air to the UHF band, with Commissioner Robert E. Lee saying, "It's one thing to tell people they can't have something, it's another thing to take away something they have."
He began his studies of photography while earning a bachelor's degree in journalism and mass communication from the University of Iowa, where he also minored in English and spent considerable time in the School of Art and Art History, especially in the library.
Currently living and working in Baltimore.